Uncover the Universe: Top 5 Games Like Starfield

  • Persephone Calhoun
  • Dec 04, 2023
  • 352
Uncover the Universe: Top 5 Games Like Starfield

The gaming universe is vast and ever-expanding, just like the cosmos we live in. Space exploration games have always held a certain allure for gamers - the boundless frontiers, the potential for discovery, and the sheer mystery of what lies beyond our planet have captured many imaginations. One such game that has excited the gaming community is Bethesda's upcoming title, "Starfield." However, as we wait for its release, there are several other games that offer similar experiences of interstellar exploration and adventure. Here are five top-notch alternatives to Starfield.

1. No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky by Hello Games offers an open-world space exploration experience like no other. It's a game about survival, exploration, trade, and combat, where you can freely roam across galaxies teeming with unique planets and lifeforms.


In No Man's Sky, you start on a random planet with a crashed spaceship, which you need to repair using resources gathered from the environment. Once your ship is functional, you can take off into space and explore other planets in your star system or even jump to other systems using hyperdrive technology. The game features procedurally generated environments, which means each planet you visit will be unique in terms of its ecology, weather conditions, flora, and fauna.

Story & Setting

While No Man's Sky doesn't follow a strict narrative structure like traditional RPGs, it does provide lore that players can uncover as they explore planets and interact with alien races. The setting of No Man’s Sky is essentially an infinite universe filled with over 18 quintillion planets!

2. Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous is another excellent choice for those seeking a realistic and immersive space exploration game. Developed by Frontier Developments, this game offers players the freedom to blaze their own trail across the Milky Way.


In Elite Dangerous, you take on the role of a spaceship pilot who can engage in trading, mining, bounty-hunting, piracy, and exploration amidst a futuristic galaxy. The game is known for its complex flight simulation mechanics that require skill and practice to master.

Story & Setting

Set in the year 3307, Elite Dangerous takes place in a 1:1 scale open-world representation of our own Milky Way galaxy. While there's no fixed storyline to follow, there are various factions and powers at play that players can align with or fight against.

3. EVE Online

EVE Online is an expansive MMORPG set in space where players can engage in various activities like mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration, and combat.


Players begin as capsules with customizable ships they use for their chosen career paths. The economy of EVE Online is entirely player-driven, with resources gathered or manufactured by players making up nearly all items used in the game.

Story & Setting

The game is set in a future universe teeming with thousands of star systems and planets within several regions of space called New Eden. There are four playable races, each with its own unique backstory and interstellar culture.

4. Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds is an indie adventure game developed by Mobius Digital where you play as an astronaut exploring a solar system stuck in a time loop.


Your task is to uncover the mysteries of your solar system during 22-minute intervals before the sun goes supernova. Each loop allows you to gather knowledge that will help piece together the history of your civilization and how to break the time loop.

Story & Setting

The game is set in a quaint, handcrafted solar system filled with secrets and hidden locations. The story unfolds through environmental storytelling, written clues left by a long-gone alien race, and oral history from your fellow explorers.

5. Star Citizen

Star Citizen promises to be an incredibly ambitious MMO space trading and combat simulator helmed by Chris Roberts, creator of the Wing Commander series.


Players can engage in various careers, such as being a freighter captain, bounty hunter, trader, or miner while exploring its vast universe. The game also boasts high-fidelity visuals and physics-based flight-simulation mechanics.

Story & Setting

Set in the 30th century, Star Citizen’s universe consists of hundreds of star systems for players to explore. While there's no overarching storyline yet, it's expected to have a narrative-driven single-player campaign titled "Squadron 42".

These five games provide unique takes on interstellar exploration and adventure - perfect for those looking for their next cosmic journey while waiting for Starfield. Each offers diverse gameplay mechanics, immersive settings, and engaging stories that will keep you hooked for hours on end.

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